Python is a high-level, dynamically typed and garbage collected programming language. Its shallow learning curve and broad ecosystem of libraries make it a very popular choice in a wide variety of areas, including backend web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, DevOps and science. It enables very rapid development of applications and is easy to debug.
I have been using Python non-stop since 2018 for solving optimization problems, crunching big data, developing a software framework, DevOps tasks and personal projects, such as this website.
Below you may find a detailed breakdown of all third party and standard library modules that I made use of to solve problems so far, that you can use to infer the kind of problems that I have been exposed to.
Third party modules:
- Django
- Markdown
- Pillow
- PyGObject
- Sphinx
- agraph-python
- apache-airflow
- beautifulsoup4
- black
- boto3
- celery
- django-celery-results
- django-guardian
- django-modeltranslation
- django-storages
- djangorestframework
- djlint
- drf-spectacular
- flake8
- flake8-docstrings
- gunicorn
- gurobipy
- isort
- lightrdf
- matplotlib
- mongoengine
- networkx
- notify2
- numpy
- openai
- pandas
- paramiko
- pgvector
- pip
- poetry
- psycopg
- pygraphviz
- pymongo
- pyspark
- pytest
- pytest-benchmark
- rdflib
- requests
- seaborn
- sentence-transformers
- simphony-osp
- setuptools
- social-auth-core
- tox
- uuid-utils
- websockets
Standard library modules:
- abc
- argparse
- asyncio
- base64
- builtins
- calendar
- collections
- configparser
- copy
- cProfile
- csv
- ctypes
- dataclasses
- datetime
- decimal
- enum
- filecmp
- functools
- getpass
- gettext
- glob
- graphlib
- hashlib
- importlib
- inspect
- io
- ipaddress
- itertools
- json
- logging
- multiprocessing
- operator
- os
- pathlib
- pkgutil
- pstats
- queue
- random
- re
- shutil
- socket
- sqlite3
- ssl
- stat
- statistics
- subprocess
- sys
- tempfile
- textwrap
- threading
- time
- timeit
- tomllib
- types
- typing
- urllib
- uuid
- venv
- weakref
- xml
- zipfile